The Stellar Cartogaphers Guild

Welcome to the SCG

Check out the SCG Journal. An Elite Dangerous exploration publication by the Commanders of the SCG.


The Guild originated from a collective of explorers who sought companionship in sharing their discoveries and a sense of home, regardless of their location in the galaxy.

The Stellar Cartographers Guild is founded on the principles of exploration, fostering an open and friendly community, with no specific playstyle requirements or mandatory activities, prioritizing the enjoyment of Elite Dangerous above all.

Fly what you love

Our guild members may often be solitary, venturing into the dark expanse to explore the galaxy's uncharted territories. Yet, we all seek companionship to share in these adventures. On this server, your ship or origin is irrelevant. We're here to converse, exchange stories, seek and offer advice, and collectively delight in our game. Here, simplicity reigns. Enjoy the game and fly what you love!

Have fun

The guild, along with its members, regularly organizes thrilling expeditions into the unknown reaches of space. These journeys are not only about adventure but also about conducting detailed research on various facets of the game and the galaxy at large. To further fuel our passion for exploration, we host contests that celebrate and incentivize this aspect of gameplay. Additionally, we bring our community together through various group activities, including social gatherings and competitive CQC matches.